Saturday, September 19, 2009

Astronomy : What can you see in the Malaysian Skies ? [Originally posted in 1996, Updated 20 Sept 2009]

Although generally cloudy, there's lots of things that you can see in the Malaysian sky.

Personally, these are the celestial objects which I've seen using my naked-eye, a Vixen 7 X 50 binoculars and a Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain 8" Telescope from my front garden in Prai, Penang.

  • Comet Hale-Bopp in April/May'97

  • Comet Hyakute, a spectacular sight in 1996

  • Moon, with its craters, mountain peaks etc
  • Jupiter, with its moons dancing around it
  • Mars
  • Saturn, with its famous rings
  • Venus, bright but featureless
  • Orion nebulae, a Messier object
  • Constellations including, casseopia, scorpio, orion, tauraus...

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Original Welcome Page - Last Updated 28th January 2000

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28th January 2000